The 3000 Club Tucson
4515 East 22nd Street
Tucson, AZ 85711
Tel. 520-373-5256
Email: pam@the3000club.org or 3000tucson@gmail.com
The 3000 Club Tucson
4515 East 22nd Street
Tucson, AZ 85711
Tel. 520-373-5256
Email: pam@the3000club.org or 3000tucson@gmail.com
The 3000 Club Tucson
4515 East 22nd Street
Tucson, AZ 85711
Tel. 520-373-5256
Email: pam@the3000club.org or 3000tucson@gmail.com
The 3000 Club
Home of Market On the Move
Currently, 37 million Americans are food insured, 6 million children go to bed hungry at least once a week. 1/3 of all food is wasted and ends up in our landfills.
It seems unreal that in one of the wealthiest nations of the world, little children are still going hungry.
Our Mission:
Simply, nothing useful should end up in a landfill. Through diligent stewardship, we can redirect, repurpose, refurbish, reuse or recycle and use these resources to the betterment of our communities and our serve our under-privileged.
Our Goals:
To rescue 30,000,000 pounds of fresh produce from being thrown away in the landfills at Nogales, Arizona.
To distribute $45,000,000 worth of fresh produce to our hungry families, children, elderly and homeless throughout Arizona.
To provide 25,000,000 nutritious meals of fresh produce.
To serve 600,000 hungry families and individuals with nutritious produce.
To help 1,800,000 disadvantaged children.
To collaborate with other organizations of similar vision for actual distribution of fresh produce to recipients.
To provide 10,000 Tucson/Southern Arizona's school-aged children with working computers for their educational purposes.
To grow and utilize volunteers, professionals, organizations with their expertise to help support our mission.
To share the vision of rescuing and distribution of produce, medical supplies, computers and electronics, household goods, etc. to those in need.
To respond and share relief aid to those in need.
To grow the mission throughout the region; nothing useful should be thrown away but utilized to help our communities and our peoples.
Since 2008 with our staff and volunteer support, we have consistently generated the resources to accomplish our goals.
USDA Stats​
Annually, 1/3 of ALL food is wasted and ends up in our landfills. That's over 40,000,000 pounds per year; 300 pounds per person per year.
20% of ALL food going to the landfill can be composted which leaves a large amount that can be rescued and redistributed through programs like our MOM and our Community Food Banks.
In 2021:
33.8 million people lived in food-insecure households.
8.6 million adults lived in households with very low food security.
5.0 million children lived in food-insecure households in which children, along with adults, were food insecure.
521,000 children (0.7 percent of the Nation's children) lived in households in which one or more child experienced very low food security.
For more information, see Food Insecurity in the U.S.: Frequency of Food Insecurity.
Food Insecurity by Household Characteristics
The prevalence of food insecurity varied considerably among household types. Rates of food insecurity were higher than the national average (10.2 percent) for the following groups:
All households with children (12.5 percent).
Households with children under age 6 (12.9 percent).
Households with children headed by a single woman (24.3 percent) or a single man (16.2 percent).
Women living alone (13.2 percent) and men living alone (12.3 percent).
Households with Black, non-Hispanic (19.8 percent) and Hispanic reference persons (16.2 percent; a household reference person is an adult household member in whose name the housing unit is owned or rented).
Households with incomes below 185 percent of the poverty threshold (26.5 percent; the Federal poverty line was $27,479 for a family of four in 2021).